The Debate on Corruption of Public Opinion in Mass Society

  • Antonio Niño Rodríguez Departamento de Historia Contemporánea. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)
Keywords: Public Opinion, Mass Society, Propaganda, Public Relations, Political Communication, Interwar Years.


In the early decades of the 20th century, perceptions on the role of public opinion in political systems underwent a profound change. Where liberal systems saw public opinion mostly as a source of criticism –as the voice of the people keeping an eye on their rulers-, mass politics turned it into an instrument of political pressure ready to be manipulated. This essay focuses on how concerns for the consequences of mass politics led to a reflection on the role of public opinion in democratic regimes, which in turn gave birth to a new field of expertise dedicated to measuring and orienting it at the benefit of the States’ higher interests.


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How to Cite
Niño Rodríguez A. (2017). The Debate on Corruption of Public Opinion in Mass Society. Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 38(Especial), 241-253.