Bonaparte’s First Setback: The Reconquest of Santo Domingo

  • Antonio J. Pinto Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Educación Universidad Europea de Madrid
Keywords: Franco-Phobia, Guerrilla, Jean-Louis Ferrand, Juan Sánchez, Loyalty, Peace Treaty of Basel, Santo Domingo, War of Reconquest.


This article’s goal is to study the first failure of Napoleon Bonaparte’s troops, which took place in Santo Domingo, and the mutual influence between the Peninsular War and Dominican Reconquest. I have analysed official declarations of the individuals that took part in the process, in order to find out the ideas that inspired the campaign on both sides of the battlefront. Thus I will prove that, unlike some historians have defended, Dominicans still felt linked to Spain after the Peace Treaty of Basel, as they proved in the War of Reconquest against France. Only Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo shared this experience, whereas the rest of Hispanic America started to claim for independence.


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How to Cite
Pinto A. J. (2015). Bonaparte’s First Setback: The Reconquest of Santo Domingo. Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 37, 179-200.