The Failure of the Project of Regeneration of the Liberal Union: The end of the Expectations of a Change

  • Ignacio Chato Gonzalo Instituto de Educación Secundaria “Jaranda”, de Jarandilla de la Vera (Cáceres)
Keywords: Liberal Union, progressive party, politic regeneration, liberal conciliation, constitutional reform (1857), electoral withdrawal.


This article analyses how, consequence of the failure to comply with his regenerator project, Liberal Union dashed the wishes to change present inside this party, causing the dissidence and subsequent defection of the main leaders. The progressive party welcomed with benevolence this proposal to change, showing an image of a governmental party and expecting for this reforms was causing the liberalization of the politic regime and the establishment of a system to turn in the power. But the frustration of these expectations and the inconsistent position of the Liberal Union in the party system, preventing progressive party to be called to govern, resulted in the electoral withdrawal and subsequent revolutionary strategy.


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How to Cite
Chato Gonzalo I. (2011). The Failure of the Project of Regeneration of the Liberal Union: The end of the Expectations of a Change. Cuadernos de Historia Contemporánea, 33, 141-161.