Miedos infundados a lo sobrenatural: la narrativa hispánica de los Siglos de Oro y Valle-Inclán ante II, 5 del Decamerón

  • Isabel Colón Calderón
Keywords: Novel of “Siglos de Oro”, Spanish literature and Decameron II, 5, Folkloric motifs, Valle-Inclán


It´s annalyzed on this article the influenze of the story II, 5 of Decameron, by Boccaccio in the spanish narative during the “Siglos de Oro” in specific the episode of the descending to Andreuccio´s tomb, with the intention of deducing some general procedures in the imitation and to observe the presence of folkloric elements. At last, I´ll approach to the Valle-Inclán version of this story at the beginning of the XX century.


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How to Cite
Colón Calderón I. (2011). Miedos infundados a lo sobrenatural: la narrativa hispánica de los Siglos de Oro y Valle-Inclán ante II, 5 del Decamerón. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, Extra, 129-143. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CFIT/article/view/CFIT1010110129A