Sibilla Aleramo's existential journey: writing towards a new identity, freedom and love.

  • Valentina Zucchi Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Aleramo, feminism, poetics al femminile, diary, universal love


The article offers a reflection on Sibilla Aleramo's existential journey through writing and towards a new life identity, freedom and universal love. The latter constitutes the thematic core of the epistolary novel Amo dunque sono. Starting from references to the feminist struggle of the writer and to her dramatic autobiographical story narrated in Una donna, an accent will be placed on the poetics al femminile of the diary which conveys, either for the content and for the style of writing, the sensitivity of a 'new’ woman now emancipated, renewed and rebuilt; with a new identity. We will see how this diary attains the highest expression of faith in love, experienced by the writer as the only mean to reach the divine principle and the understanding of the invisible.


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How to Cite
Zucchi V. (2022). Sibilla Aleramo’s existential journey: writing towards a new identity, freedom and love. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 29, 357-368.
Literary and Cultural Studies