Expression of approximation between Spanish and Italian: the instance of venir siendo and venir a ser

  • Maria Vittoria Ambrosini Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB)
Keywords: periphrases, approximate mode, contrastive linguistics, Spanish, Italian


This research aims to provide an interlinguistic in-depth analysis on the expression of approximation comparing Spanish and Italian constructions starting from two Spanish periphrases: venir siendo and venir a ser. In fact, such periphrastic structures are typically used by Spanish-speakers to express approximation and, based on its context, approximation can be quantitative or conveyed through relativization / euphemism, or by expressing doubt about what the speaker is stating. Firstly, the study focuses on the common and divergent features which distinguish the different nuances of approximation – often so subtle they may lead to confusion even among Spanish-speakers – when using venir siendo and venir a ser. Secondly, a contrastive analysis between Spanish and Italian shows the lack of Italian periphrases which are equivalent to venir siendo and venir a ser as to form and expression of the approximate modal value. Finally, a specifically-designed test – submitted to Italian speaking students learning Spanish – reveals the level of interpretative transparency that the two Spanish periphrases allow in five different contexts; through this test, informants also had the possibility to give linguistic solutions to translate the two Spanish periphrases into their native language.


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How to Cite
Ambrosini M. V. (2020). Expression of approximation between Spanish and Italian: the instance of venir siendo and venir a ser. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 27, 9-30.
Linguistic Studies