From Unfinished Novel "Nerina" to "Lo scialle andaluso": Genesis of a Tale

  • Giuliana Zagra Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma
Keywords: Archive, notebooks, Lo scialle andaluso, Nerina, characters.


The complete reconstitution of Elsa Morante’s archive now at National Library in Rome permitted an important discovery on the genesis of Lo scialle andaluso (The Andalusian Shawl). This long tale, which was published for the first time in 1953 and later in 1963 into the anthology to which it assigns the title, bore as a part of the unfinished novel Nerina. Morante started to write Nerina in 1950, at the same time she was writing L’isola di Arturo (The Arturo’s Island), but the author left Nerina after few months to focus herself only on L’isola di Arturo. The two main characters of Lo scialle Andaluso, Andreuccio and his mother Giuditta, come from the unfinished novel, where they had a relevant part in the story of Nerina, as we can deduce from the authorial notes. Also the first narrative person of Lo scialle andaluso, which narrates in a large flashback the story of Andreuccio, is a character from Nerina.


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How to Cite
Zagra G. (2015). From Unfinished Novel "Nerina" to "Lo scialle andaluso": Genesis of a Tale. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 21(Especial), 201-213.