The Language of Uprising in "Il mondo salvato dai ragazzini" “A Linguistic System so Comunicative as Scandalize”

  • Angela Di Fazio Università di Bologna
Keywords: Revolution, Feast, Charisma, Multitude, Nostalgia.


The article focuses on Il mondo salvato dai ragazzini considered from a socioanthropological point of view. It tries to define the dynamics of revolutionary feast that inspire the work of Morante. We point out the charismatic nature of the boys and their disposition simoultaneusly sacred and profane. The discourse about the boys oversteps the young rebellion of 1968 and becomes an analysis on history (and on the limits of some types of historical operation) at which Morante opposes the poetr.


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How to Cite
Di Fazio A. (2015). The Language of Uprising in "Il mondo salvato dai ragazzini" “A Linguistic System so Comunicative as Scandalize”. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 21(Especial), 113-130.