"Senza i conforti della religione" or the Impossible Novel. Writings at the Limite.

  • Claude Cazalé Bérard Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
Keywords: Unfinished, fragments, childhood, poetry, cinema.


The article defines a critical and interpretative hypothesis on the Elsa Morante’s unfinished novel Senza i conforti della religione (Without the Comfort of Religion), that I analyze starting from the manuscript. The reading of this incomplete and fragmentary text points out textual comparisons, narrative sequences and thematic elements which strongly connects this anguished text to the following works – poems, novels and essays – until to the last one, the novel Aracoeli.


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How to Cite
Cazalé Bérard C. (2015). "Senza i conforti della religione" or the Impossible Novel. Writings at the Limite. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 21(Especial), 75-89. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CFIT.2014.v21.48725