“Begolardo”. On Cecco, Dante, and beyond.

  • Manuel Barbera Università di Torino
Keywords: Dante Alighieri, Cecco Angiolieri, History of Italian Language, Italian Lexicography, Etymology.


In the first line of the exchange of pleasantries between Dante and Cecco, of which we only have the response of the Senese (Dante Alleghier s’i’ so’), the curious insult begolardo is used. The spread of this term is very limited, and generally misunderstood by the lexicographical tradition. Here a new etymological analysis of both direct (from the first to the last attestation) and indirect (in lexicography) data and tradition related to this text is offered, proposing a different story from what DEI, GDLI and TLIO describe. This new interpretation also sheds a new light on the relations between Cecco Angiolieri and Dante Alighieri, which represents a crucial point in the literary history of the Origins, adding relevance to the hypothesis of a later dating of the Monarchia.


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How to Cite
Barbera M. (2014). “Begolardo”. On Cecco, Dante, and beyond. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 20, 101-138. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CFIT.2013.v20.44176
Linguistic Studies