The poetics of image in Cesare Pavese’s poetry

  • Rosario Scrimieri Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Poetics, image, correspondences, narration, symbol.


The essay deals about the reflections of Cesare Pavese over the poetic of image ruling his book Lavorare stanca (1936), reflections inclosed in Il mestiere di poeta (1934), and also in A proposito di certe poesie ancora non scritte (1940); it brings to connexion Pavese’s reflections with the traditional principles of the poetry of symbolism, and it examines as well the poetic of image in La terra e la morte (1945) –the last poetry book published still alive Pavese- in connection wth the concepts of archetypical image and symbol.


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How to Cite
Scrimieri R. (2012). The poetics of image in Cesare Pavese’s poetry. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, Extra, 339-354.