The dialectics of myth. Leucò or the «Operette morali» of Cesare Pavese

  • Francesco Muzzioli Università La Sapienza, Roma
Keywords: Poetry, Pavese, duplicity, paradox, Atlantic oil, Lavorare stanca, Leucò, symbol, crisis, modernity.


The essay analizes the poem of Pavese Atlantic oil, included in his compilation Lavorare stanca, trying to demonstrate the double semantic perspective, social and individual, of this text. In this poem intermingles rich and polysemic imaginary presences, which are studied according to the benjaminian symbol and allegorical theory. This analysis reveals once more the paradoxes of pavesian writing, that stems out from his own crisis, that is, from his evident modernity.


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How to Cite
Muzzioli F. (2012). The dialectics of myth. Leucò or the «Operette morali» of Cesare Pavese. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, Extra, 269-281.