Hethitica. Notas sobre lexicografía hitita: La terminología del ejercicio del poder y de la organización administrativo-territorial en el reino anatólico de Hatti.

  • Juan Manuel González Salazar
Keywords: Hittite Lexicography, Hittite Vocabulary, Political-military Administration, Northern Anatolia,


In the hittite lexicograghy, the analysis of some cuneiform documents of the Hittite Kingdom archives, belonging to the Imperial period (XIV-XIII centuries B.C.), allows to know better some aspects of the vocabulary used to express the exercise of the power and the forms of the politicalmilitary administration and organization of a specific imperial territory. Certainly, this was related to the complex process of the hittite imperial expansion and consolidation of this period


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How to Cite
González Salazar J. M. (2005). Hethitica. Notas sobre lexicografía hitita: La terminología del ejercicio del poder y de la organización administrativo-territorial en el reino anatólico de Hatti. Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, 15, 5-17. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CFCG/article/view/CFCG0505110005A