Olimpiodoro (in Grg. 26.20) y la Antíope de Eurípides

  • Juan L. López Cruces
Keywords: Euripides, Plato, Olympiodorus, Antiope, Gorgias, Music, Paraphrase


The author proposes the recovering of a fragment from Euripides’ Antiope neglected by previous scholars. The paraphrase of Zethos’ advise to his brother Amphion rJi÷yon th;n luvran kai; kevcrhso o{ploi", which Olympiodorus gives in his commentary On Plato’s Gorgias at 26.20, may cover parts of two iambic trimeters. They can be recovered basically by substituting the forms Euripides could have used for the imperatives rJi÷yon and kevcrhso. The result would be rJi÷pte th;n luvran, / crh÷sai d! o{ploisi, which is related to a similar fragment from a mythological comedy or a satyr play where a satyr recommends Athena to throw away the aulos (TrGF Adesp. 381 tou;" aujlou;" mevqe" / kai; qwpla lavzeu).


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How to Cite
López Cruces J. L. (2002). Olimpiodoro (in Grg. 26.20) y la Antíope de Eurípides. Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, 12, 271-285. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CFCG/article/view/CFCG0202110271A