The Plutarch’s Motive of "Descensus Animae" in "Nag Hammadi and the Corpus Hermeticum"

  • Israel Muñoz Gallarte Universidad de Córdoba Departamento de Ciencias de la Antigüedad y Edad Media
Keywords: Plutarch, Platonism, Early Christian literature, Gnosticism, NHC, CH, Birth of the Soul, Anthropology, Cosmology.


In evaluating Plutarch’s contacts with other cultures of his era, scholars have not reached consensus so far regarding the relationship between the Chaironean and Early Christian writers. A good example of this lack of consensus rises when we come to the views of the creation of human soul. The aim of the following paper is to deal with those contacts by, after an analysis of Plutarch’s texts, taking into an account the sources of NHC, heresiologists, and also the contemporary Corpus Hermeticum in order to highlight their similitudes and/or differences about the motif of the soul’s birth.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Gallarte I. (2016). The Plutarch’s Motive of "Descensus Animae" in "Nag Hammadi and the Corpus Hermeticum". Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios griegos e indoeuropeos, 26, 169-178.