Focus and Scope

Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales (ISSN 1131-6985, ISSN-e 1988-2610) strives to contribute to scientific development in different aspects related to Business Economics, Trade and Tourism, and is also used to transfer knowledge from Academia to the business, trade and tourism world. Although its main target audience is academic, it aims to raise interest among business management professionals. Its includes areas such as commercial management, business organisation, marketing and commercial research, finance, accounting, human resources, production, entrepreneurship, the tourism phenomenon, tourism planning, tourism company management, digital transformation of organisations, eCommerce, and anything related to these areas.

Publication Frequency


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales is an open access journal that does not charge authors for article processing (submission, review or editing) or publication.

Printed version


Interoperability protocols

Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that enables interoperability between different platforms and repositories through the exchange of metadata.
Protocol: OAI-PMH Version 2.0
Metadata formats: Dublin Core Metadata; MARC; MARC21; RFC1807
URL for harvesters:

Code of Conduct and best practice

The journal Cuadernos de Estudios Empresariales abides by the Code of Conduct and best practice established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and Code of Conduct for Journals Publishers). In compliance with this code, the journal shall ensure the scientific quality of the publications and that it responds adequately to the needs of readers and authors. The code is applicable to all parties involved in the administration and publication of scientific results in journals published by Ediciones Complutense on the Complutense Scientific Journals Website, viz. the editorial teams, authors, and reviewers. Works that do not comply with these ethical rules shall be rejected