Evolución del contenido de macro conidios de Fusarium en el aire de la ciudad de Ourense (NW España).

  • María Carmen Seijo Coello
  • J. Méndez
  • I. Iglesias
Keywords: Meteorology, Fusarium, spore, Ourense, Spain


MÉNDEZ, J., SEIJO, M. C. & IGLESIAS, I. 2001. Evolution of the content of macroconidia of Fusarium in the air of Ourense (NW Spain) Bot. Complutensis 25: 73-82. In this work, we present the results obtained for the spore-type Fusarium in the atmosphere of the city Ourense during 199-1996, period in which a volumetric spore-trap VPPS 2000 was used. Beside seasonal and intradiurnal variations, the relationships between meteorological parameters and spore concentrations have been also analysed. The maximun values for airborne spores were always registered during May and June only in the year 1996 the maximum values are registered during September, especially between 01:00 and 07:00 (Spanish official time). On spite of the fact that important quantitative differences were observed between 1993 and the rest of the years, the correlations obtained between 73 José Méndez et al. Evolución del contenido de macroconidios de Fusarium... daily mean spore concentrations and the different meteorological parameters showed that rainfall and relative humidity were always positively correlated, whereas the correlations with maximun, minimum and mean temperature and sunshine hours were variable during the different years in sing and signification level.


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How to Cite
Seijo Coello M. C., Méndez J. y Iglesias I. (2001). Evolución del contenido de macro conidios de Fusarium en el aire de la ciudad de Ourense (NW España). Botanica Complutensis, 25, 73. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/BOCM/article/view/BOCM0101110073A