Effect of storage on the physiological quality of seeds of a tropical tree with conservation interest: Licania arborea Seem

Keywords: Chrysobalanaceae, viability, germination, humidity


Licania arborea is a timber tree, important in traditional medicine. In Mexico, it is classified as an endangered species, so immediate conservation actions are required. Viability, humidity and germination in storage period (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months) were determined. Freshly harvested seeds exhibited 90 ± 5% viability, 78.7 ± 3.5% humidity and 55 ± 0.6% germination, decreasing considerably according to the storage periods. Seed sowing must be done immediately after harvest, because storage can affect the physiological capacity of the seed.


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Ríos-García C. A., Orantes-García C., Garrido-Ramírez E. R., Verdugo-Valdez A. G. y Rioja-Paradela T. M. (2022). Effect of storage on the physiological quality of seeds of a tropical tree with conservation interest: Licania arborea Seem. Botanica Complutensis, 46, e74073. https://doi.org/10.5209/bocm.74073