Contribution to the knowledge of the vascular flora of the province of Zamora (Spain).

  • Patricio Bariego Hernández
  • Marí Santos Vicente Universidad de Salamanca,
Keywords: chorology, vascular flora, Zamora, Spain.


24 taxa of chorological interest of the province of Zamora (Spain) are remarked and commented, of which 7 are cited here for the first time: Allium ericetorum, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Armeria duriaei, Arum cylindraceum, Carex humilis, Cerinthe major subsp. gymnandra and Doronicum plantagineum. All taxa are poorly referenced in the studied area and several of them show a remarkable biogeographic interest. Some previous records are commented in the light of the latest taxonomic reviews.


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Author Biography

Marí Santos Vicente, Universidad de Salamanca,
Departamento de Botánica



How to Cite
Bariego Hernández P. y Santos Vicente M. (2011). Contribution to the knowledge of the vascular flora of the province of Zamora (Spain). Botanica Complutensis, 35, 59-64.