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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.

  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.
  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines


I. General Information

1. The journal LOGOS. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, ISSN 1575-6866, is a publication of the Logic and Philosophy and the Philosophy and Society Departments of the Complutense University of Madrid. Founded in 1966 under the title Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, it is been edited uninterruptedly since then with an annual frequency. In 1998 the name LOGOS was incorporated to the heading, and between 1998 and 2000 it appeared with a new numbering (issues 1 and 2). In 2001 it recovered the original numbering. Devoted mainly to philosophical subjects related to Metaphysics and Epistemology, it includes a bibliographic critic section and offers classical texts of special relevance. Since 1998, LOGOS welcomes special issues.

2. For each paper, LOGOS utilises minimum a double peer-review process. Each issue is edited both in a printed and an electronic version. The latter can be found in

II. Scope and coverage

3. The main aim of the Journal LOGOS. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica is to publish leading-edge philosophical studies and diffuse the results of original scientific research in philosophy, written in Spanish as well as in other languages –papers in Spanish, German, English, French or Italian will be taken into consideration.

4. The following works will be considered for their publication: original studies, bibliographical notes and reviews.

Original studies. They will not exceed 60.000 characters (spaces and footnotes included), and they will include: title, abstract (150-250 words) and key words (8-10 words) in the original language of the paper; title, abstract and key words in English (when it is not the original language); table of contents (sections or paragraphs of the paper).

Bibliographical notes. They will have a maximum of 12 pages. They will consist of a critical consideration or discussion on one or several publications.

Reviews. They will not exceed 5 pages. They will be devoted to the presentation and summary of philosophical relevant works.

III. Presentation and structure of the works

5. Papers should be sent blinded via the online platform of the Journal at in times new roman 12, 1’5 space. The author must declare that the paper has not been submitted simultaneously for consideration to other Journals.

6. Papers will be presented according to the following order and structure, which will guarantee the blind review process: a) Title page, containing: title both in the original language and in English; name and e-mail of the author and University or Research Center. b) Abstract and key words page, containing: title, abstract and key words both in the original language and in English. c) Paper.

7. The Journal prefers the humanistic style of citation (UNE 50-104-94; ISO 690:1987). The bibliographical references of each paper will be gathered at the end, alphabetically ordered, according to the following examples:

McGinn, C.: Mental Content, Oxford, Blackwell, 1989.

Lowe, E.J.: “Experience and Its Objects”, en T. Crane (ed.), The Contents of Experience, Dordrecht, Reidel, 1992, pp. 79-104.

Horgan, T.: “Meeting the Demands of a Material World”, Mind, 102, 1993, pp. 555-586.

Footnotes will adopt the same pattern.

IV. Editorial process

8. The editorial board will acknowledge receipt of the submitted papers and will eventually inform about their acceptation or rejection, but it will not maintain any other kind of correspondence with the authors.

9. The editorial board will first revise the text in order to check that it follows the criteria of the Journal. Once that done, the external review process will start.

10. Papers will be reviewed through a double blind process by two experts in the subject, which will evaluate the originality, relevance and quality of the paper. If the reviews are dissimilar, a third review will be required. Taking into account the external reports, the editorial board of the journal reserves the right to accept or reject the papers. Authors may receive a summary of the reports written by the referees, indicating how to amend deficiencies and introduce the required modifications.

11. Deadlines. Since 2009, the editorial board meets annually between the 1st and the 15th of November. In view of its publication in the next year’s issue, every article submitted before the 15th of September will be evaluated; we do not guarantee the evaluation of papers submitted after that date, which will be considered for the next issue.

12. Works must be original; they must not be published previously or be considered for its publication in another Journal. After their publication in LOGOS, authors will be able to reproduce them as long as they indicate the original publication..

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