“Because we are only the Bark and the Leaf...”. On Vladimir Jankélévitch’s "La Mort"

  • Enrica Lisciani Petrini Università di Salerno
Keywords: death, totally other order, person/impersonal


this essay analyzes Vladimir Jankélévitch’s work on death pointing out, in the vast thought of the twentieth century, its original and sharply problematic contribution. if death is generally seen as the perimeter that provides life with sense and autenticity (Heidegger, Lévinas), or more traditionally as the threshold that leads to a salvific other world, Jankélévitch first of all dismantles any reassuring strategy and underlines the elusiveness of death itself, its constituting a “totally other order” that escapes every human category. As a consequence, if on the one hand the philosopher shows how every life has an “own death” that makes every life totally unique, on the other hand he highlights how the elusiveness of death delivers life, any life, to an unavoidable impropriety, which breaks through its individual and personal dimension.


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Author Biography

Enrica Lisciani Petrini, Università di Salerno
Dipartimento di scienze Umane, Filosofiche e della Formazione (DisUFF) Facoltà di scienze della Formazione



How to Cite
Lisciani Petrini E. (2011). “Because we are only the Bark and the Leaf...”. On Vladimir Jankélévitch’s "La Mort". Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 44, 331-354. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ASEM.2011.v44.36891