El orden del saber. La Enciclopedia como sistema orgánico en Hegel

  • Andrés Ortigosa Universidad de Sevilla


The complex articulation of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences in outline is examined. To this end, the encyclopaedical project of the 18th century is presented. With it, the problem of the order of knowledge was established. One of its main representatives will be Kant, who tries to account for it with his notion of architectonics. Hegel's Encyclopedia was a departure from Kant's approach to this problem. This work finds its order in its dialectical-speculative method, which allows Hegel to raise the analogy with the organism. From this notion, Hegel gives an answer to the problem of the order of knowledge among the different sciences.


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Ortigosa A. (2024). El orden del saber. La Enciclopedia como sistema orgánico en Hegel. Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 57(1), 67-84. https://doi.org/10.5209/asem.91146