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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has never been published before, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.

  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

Submission rules

The journal Ángulo recto is edited by the complutense research group "The adventure of travelling and its writings. Travel books in the romance world", and specifically to its R & D project "Viajar por la ciudad: modelos urbanos en los libros de viajes y su proyección estético-literaria". This journal is published by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, that publishes it in electronic format through its Web page; it offers two issues per year, and it consists of three sections: articles, reviews and various.

General guidelines

Papers submitted must be original and refer to questions related to the sphere of the city as plural space, analyzed from an interdisciplinary perspective, with special attention to humanistic disciplines, literature and arts.

Articles will be accepted in English, Spanish and another languages of international circulation.

Length and format of the text

The length of an article must not exceed 20 pages, including abstracts, keywords, tables, pictures, footnotes and bibliography.
The length of reviews must not exceed five pages and will examine works related to the topics of the journal.
The works for various will have at the most ten pages, including pictures, notes and bibliographic references.

All contributions must comply with the following format:

  • The text will be sent in Word format.
  • Left and right margins of 3 cm.; upper and lower margins of 2,5 cm.
  • Arial font, 12 pt.
  • Line spacing: 1,5; without spaces before and after paragraphs.
  • Indentation in first line of paragraph of 1,25 cm.

Title page format

The title page of the article should include the following elements:

  • Title of the article in the language in which it is written.
  • English translation of the title of the article.
  • Abstract, with a maximum length of 150 words, in the language in which the article is written.
  • Abstract of the article in English.
  • Until five keywords in the same language as the article and also translated into English.
  • Numbered table of contents indicating the sections which the article may contain (see "Article structure" section), only if necessary, and only in the language which the article is written.

Author details

To enable journal staff to contact authors, the following information should be included in a separate document:

  • First name(s) and surname(s).
  • Title of the article.
  • University or other institution.
  • Department.
  • E-mail address.

Article structure

If the author so wishes, the text submitted may be divided into a suitable number of sections. Before each section heading a space of one line should be left. The headings of these sections should be consecutively numbered, and written in bold types. Where any section needs to be divided into subsections, these must also be numbered, and written in italics. Example:

1. Introduction
2. Urban space
2.1. Field of study

Quotations and bibliographic references in the text

Short quotations (up to three lines) may be written in inverted commas ("...") within the body of the text. Longer quotations should be written in a separate paragraph, in Arial font, 11 pt., with single spacing, indentation of 1,25 cm. on left side and space before and after of 0 pt.

Bibliographical references related to these quotations should be included in foot notes, with the following format:

SURNAME(S), Name, Title. Edition place: publishing company, edition date (quoted pages).


The notes must be located at the bottom of the page. The font should be Arial, 10 pt., single spacing, and without indentation.


Bibliographical references should be included at footnotes, and as shown in the diagrams below:

SURNAME(S), Name of the author, Title. City: Publisher, year.

Chapters from a book:
SURNAME(S), Name of the author, "Title of the chapter", in Name and Surname of editor or compiler (ed.), Title of book. City: Publisher, year (page reference).

SURNAME(S), Name of the author, "Title of the article", in Journal title, volume, number (pages).

Conference papers and communications:
SURNAME(S), Name of the author, "Title of the paper", in Title of congress book (place and date of celebration), Name and Surname(s) of editor or compiler (ed.). City: Publisher, year (pages).

Articles or works in electronic journals:
SURNAME(S), Name of the author, "Title of the article" [on line], in Main charge, Web page title. Place of publication: editor, date of publication or update. In: url address [Search: date of search]. ISSN.

Web pages:
Main charge (if necessary), Title of Web page [on line]. Place of publication: editor, date or publication or update. In: url address [Search: date of search].

Other points

If the author wishes to highlight certain words, this must be done using italics. The use of bold or underlining is not accepted.

If the article contains illustrations, they must be of sufficiently good quality to be reproduced. They shoulb be sent in jpg or gif format.

Pictures will be placed in the text and they should enclose a caption which show the picture number (the pictures will be consecutively numbered) and its title. Author must clearly indicate where in the text the illustrations are to appear.

Submission and receipt of original works

Articles are to be submitted, as Word files, to the editor of Ángulo Recto,, before the 1st February and 15th December. They should neither be signed nor should the place or origin be indicated. The editor will confirm receipt of the works.

The authors of the original text are solely responsible for the content of their articles, and also for obtaining due permission to reproduce works, texts or illustrations, the inclusion of which requires prior authorisation from another author.

Selection and publication of articles

Each manuscript received will be read by two anonymous reviewers who will then send a report to the editor on their suitability for publication in the journal.

The author will be informed, by the 1st May and 1st November, of the decision taken, according to the criteria of relevance, originality and structure, and giving appropriate reasons in the case that the article is not considered suitable for publication.

Each issue of the journal will be published by the 1st July and 1st January.
Originality, innovation, new perspectives and quality of works will be valued.

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