<i>El milagro de la mujer lapidada</i>. Crítica literaria de la versión en occitano cispirenaico aragonés

  • Luis Santomá Juncadella
Keywords: Fuero de Jaca, Occitan language, Cispyrenaic Aragonese dialect


The miracle of the lapidated woman, is a short narration of the second half of the XIII century, included as an exempla or feat in redaction A of the Fuero de Jaca, written in aragonese cispyrenean occitan dialect. The objective of these feats is, as it appears in another aragonese and navarrese legal documents, the establishment of jurisprudence, as it is in our history about a law-suit procedure on witnesses separate interrogatory in case of adultery. The argument sources of this narration belong to fragments of the three following tales of the One Thousand and One Nights: The chaste woman coveted by her brother-in-law, The virtuous jewish woman and the two perverse old men and the History of Alí Hocha, the merchant and his jar of olives. A comparative analysis is made, on the style and on some argument specific aspects of the redaction of this feat from the Fuero of Jaca and of thouse included in the Compilation of the Fueros of Aragon, written in latin, in the Fuero General of Navarre, in navarrese romance, and in the Vidal Mayor in aragonese romance.


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How to Cite
Santomá Juncadella L. (2010). <i>El milagro de la mujer lapidada</i>. Crítica literaria de la versión en occitano cispirenaico aragonés. Revista de Filología Románica, 27, 285-313. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RFRM/article/view/RFRM1010110285A