Un científico, un viaje, una isla, un libro. El viaje de Pagenstecher a Mallorca

  • Alejandro Casadesús Bordoy
Keywords: Hermann Pagenstecher, Journey literature, Majorca, Cultural relationships, Germany


The present article analyses the book which the German scientist Hermann Pagenstecher wrote as a result of his stay in Majorca in 1865. Reading this allows us not only to go back in time and remember what Majorcan society was like in this period, but also to understand a little better the figure of the scientist, who showed a great interest in both the geological features and in the flora and fauna of Majorca. In the first section the article deals with topics of interest to Pagenstecher including aspects typical of travel books such as the quality of the inns or the physical features of Majorcan people. In the second section, the linguistic resources which organise the literary discourse are analysed.


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How to Cite
Casadesús Bordoy A. . (2009). Un científico, un viaje, una isla, un libro. El viaje de Pagenstecher a Mallorca. Revista de Filología Románica, 26, 133-152. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RFRM/article/view/RFRM0909110133A