El cuerpo: sueños, deseos y jardines orientales a flor de piel

  • Laura Eugenia Tudoras
Keywords: Space, City, Sense, Dream, Eroticism, Mexican literature


This article proposes a symbolic interpretation of the dimensions and the real and imaginary sensorial spaces that lead to a poetic exploration of desire and the dreams in the city of Mogador. Likewise it establishes a relation of metaphorical analogies between concepts as: spacecity-garden-woman-body-sense-desire-dream, in two literary representative texts of the Mexican current narrative: In the lips of the water and The Secret Gardens of Mogador.


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How to Cite
Tudoras L. E. (2008). El cuerpo: sueños, deseos y jardines orientales a flor de piel. Revista de Filología Románica, 1, 323-334. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/RFRM/article/view/RFRM0707220323A