La douz’amor de la lírica trovadoresca

  • M.ª Ángeles Ciprés Palacín
Keywords: Troubadours, Medieval Occitan Lyric, Lexemes, Isotopias, Taste, Hearing, Touch, Love


In the framework of the International Inter-University Seminar “Trip to the world of the senses in literature and the arts” we have had the opportunity to review the lexemes and lexematic sequences related to sensory perception, in the entire corpus of the troubadour lyric. Besides verifying the extraordinary recurrence of the semantic setting of DOUSSOR, we have been able to contribute a point of great interest: the fact that the same morpheme DOUZ– / DOUSS– (in its updating as noun, adjective, verb and adverb) is utilized by the troubadors to express what is perceived by the three privileged senses in the Medieval Occitan Lyric: taste, hearing and touch.


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How to Cite
Ciprés Palacín M. Á. (2008). La douz’amor de la lírica trovadoresca. Revista de Filología Románica, 1, 69-84.