The vakner of the Armenian pilgrim Martyr (15th century): A perspective on the presence of the Jacobean fauna in French literature.

  • Ignacio Iñarrea Las Heras Universidad de La Rioja
Keywords: Jacobean pilgrimage, French literature, vakner, fauna


The present work tries to give an extensive and detailed vision of the existence and importance of the animal world in the field of the cult to Santiago. For this purpose, the paper departs from the story written by the Armenian Bishop Martyr about the great journey through Europe he made in the fifteenth century which mentions a mysterious animal, the vakner. This unknown beast has served as a basis for a study of what could be called Jacobean fauna in French literature mainly, but also in other texts in Latin and Romance languages. This analysis has allowed to appreciate the complexity and richness of the universe of the pilgrimage to Compostela throughout history, the diverse experiences that it includes and the different points of view from which it has been perceived by pilgrims, non-pious travellers and writers.


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How to Cite
Iñarrea Las Heras I. (2021). The vakner of the Armenian pilgrim Martyr (15th century): A perspective on the presence of the Jacobean fauna in French literature. Revista de Filología Románica, 38, 159-179.