"La Sépulture" by Gabriel Marie Legouvé from a traductological perspective: analysis and reflections. Proposal of an Italian translation by Giorgia Marangon

  • Giorgia Marangon Università di Cordova
Keywords: elegy, Italian, French, Translation, Philology


In this article, we aim to face a difficult task: analyze the elegy written by Gabriel Marie Le­gouvé from a philological point of view in order to offer Italiana readers a translation of La Sépulture. It is important to highlight that the first and only translation of the French poem into Italian was rendered in 1802, four years after the publication of the original. This translation is signed by Luigi Balochi, who inserts it in a compilation title: Il merto delle donne, Le rimembranze, La malinconia e Le pompe funebri. Our version, replacing the Barlochi’s translation-reinvention, is an unpublished translation that intents to give back to the text the length of the original, those 160 verses forgotten by Balochi, keeping, where possible, the rhyme and rhythm from the French original verse.


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How to Cite
Marangon G. (2019). "La Sépulture" by Gabriel Marie Legouvé from a traductological perspective: analysis and reflections. Proposal of an Italian translation by Giorgia Marangon. Revista de Filología Románica, 36, 259-269. https://doi.org/10.5209/RFRM.63516