documentary Cinema of Claude Lanzmann. the Holocaust counted from Shoah

  • Elios Mendieta Rodríguez universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Lanzmann, Shoah, Cinema, documentary, Holocaust, War.


Since he filmed the documentary Shoah, in 1985, Claude Lanzmann has not stopped filmaking pieces that are essential to understand the development of the historiographical thought in the second half of the last century. His particular way of telling the horror, through the testimonies, is a reliable way to tell the reality. given this narrative mode, there have been different critical discourses which also they will be analyzed. the truth is that the influence of Lanzmann’s work has been capital, and this work aims to make an approach to the Holocaust with the documentary film as a suitable tool for it. therefore, a study of film features developed by the director will be made from Shoah to Le dernier des injusted, his last work to date.


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How to Cite
Mendieta Rodríguez E. (2017). documentary Cinema of Claude Lanzmann. the Holocaust counted from Shoah. Revista de Filología Románica, 33, 165-174.