Slobodan Selenic’s A premeditated Murder a view on the Yugoslavian War

  • Mina ApIc Departamento de Romanística Universidad de NoviSad
Keywords: Slododan Selenic, Premediated Murder, World War II, War in Yugoslavia.


In A premeditated murder, by Slobodan Selenic, all idealism is put under suspicion. The bourgeois world and its rules, values, codes and conveniences is broken to pieces under the boots of the war-winning communist colonels. Selenic contrasts two wars: that of Yugoslavia and the Second World War, by means of an old bourgeois who helps the heroine to write the intimate life of her grandmother, and his two loves, symbols of communism and the cultured bourgeois Belgrade. He examines advantages and abuses but sharply distances himself from an idealistic view both as regards the struggle against Nazism in World War II and the establishment of a more egalitarian world more suited to the authentic needs of the Human being, represented by the communist state, established immediately after the contest.


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How to Cite
ApIc M. (2017). Slobodan Selenic’s A premeditated Murder a view on the Yugoslavian War. Revista de Filología Románica, 33, 9-19.