The ardent epilogue of Iluminaciones en la sombra of Alejandro Sawa. For the unknown history of the original of a representative work of Spanish literary bohemia

  • Juan Manuel González Martel
Keywords: Alejandro Sawa, Miguel Sawa, Ramón María del Valle-Inclán, Rubén Darío, Iluminaciones en la sombra, Spanish bohemian literature, Journalistic chronic.


Paradoxical history of the original Iluminaciones en la sombra, memoirs of Alejandro Sawa (1862 - 1909), Spanish “bohemian literature” of the early twentieth century. Posthumous book, published in 1910, of disputed ascription to a literary genre, combines the intimacy of the story of the biographical with the styles of critical journalism. It is a text that, in spite of its unbalanced structure, reveals aspects of the life and work of its author, reflecting, as a whole, the ideological struggle of some writers under the faint bohemian lights of the Spanish society of the time.


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How to Cite
González Martel J. M. (2017). The ardent epilogue of Iluminaciones en la sombra of Alejandro Sawa. For the unknown history of the original of a representative work of Spanish literary bohemia. Revista de Filología Románica, 34(1), 117-134.