Pericle Martinescu: the exiled writer in his own country. “My life is a sea of silence and solitude”

  • Luminita Marcu Universidad de Bucarest
Keywords: Romania, communist regime, Pericle Martinescu, romanian literature.


With the arrival of the communist regime in romania, many intelectuals and representatives of the romanian cultura where persecuted, incarcerated or marginated. This article deals with the case of writer Pericle Martinescu who, instead of choosing exile as others made, prefered to stay in his country, although he was put aside of public life nad his literary carrer was interrupted. His diary, wrote in hidding, is a valuable testimony of the lifes of romanian intelectuals during the period.


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Author Biography

Luminita Marcu, Universidad de Bucarest
Departamento de Literatura Rumana



How to Cite
Marcu L. (2012). Pericle Martinescu: the exiled writer in his own country. “My life is a sea of silence and solitude”. Revista de Filología Románica, 185-190.