The Exile like Literary Topic: Other Invited Islands

  • Antonio Arroyo Almaraz Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: exile, printer, magazines, Manuel Altolaguirre.


The ain of this article is the study of the work that Manuel Altolaguirre did about the exile, as a poet and printer, in his stages in Cuba and Mexico; concretely from the creation of three magazines: Atentamente (about his personal conflict, gathers his Confessions), La Verónica (that represented the approach to the Spanish-American writers, especially Cuban), and Antología de España en el Recuerdo (where the Spain topic is taken again). One of the first writings of the exile is Confessions, about how he left Spain and the process of madness he suffered; a madness that is narrated through a game of unfolding between the Altolaguirre author and narrator, and the character, that filled both numbers of the magazine Atentamente. He created some of the best literary magazines which gave testimony of the war, of the writers out of Spain, definitively, of the thought of the exile. On the other hand, we mustn’t forget that the Spanish exile to America is placed inside the migratory flow towards this continent that took place also in Europe, as a consequence of the authoritarian and fascist rate.


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Author Biography

Antonio Arroyo Almaraz, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Departamento de Filología Española III



How to Cite
Arroyo Almaraz A. (2012). The Exile like Literary Topic: Other Invited Islands. Revista de Filología Románica, 31-43.