Renewable energy generation cooperatives and energy communities: the case of The Netherlands
- María Luján López Dallara Universidad de Salamanca
- María Belén Lozano García Universidad de Salamanca
Renewable energy cooperatives are gaining traction in Europe, particularly in The Netherlands, which has a rich tradition in this country. There is a notable absence of studies comparing renewable energy cooperatives with energy communities, despite a clear definition provided by the EU, underscoring the need to explore their distinct roles and synergies within the energy transition framework. This article delves into the specifics of these cooperatives, focusing on their structure and the supportive legal and fiscal environment they operate within. Although it is widely accepted that these cooperatives play a crucial role in the energy transition, there is a gap in research regarding the specific requirements they need to meet to qualify for national support programs. By examining twenty Dutch cooperatives selected from a broader sample of 184, this study provides insights into how these entities contribute to sustainability goals and outlines best practices that could be emulated in other European contexts. This is instrumental for policymakers and entrepreneurs interested in enhancing the effectiveness of renewable energy initiatives.
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