Analysis of viability of the ethics bank in Spain through Triodos Bank. Comparison economic-financial with traditional bank

  • Emilio Abad Segura Universidad de Almería, España
  • Mª del Carmen Valls Martínez Universidad de Almería, España
Keywords: Ethical Finance, Triodos Bank, Socially Responsible Investment, Social Bank.


Ethical Banking is the answer to decades of financial speculation and investments away from an ethical and cooperative commitment of traditional banking. It is the necessary instrument to manage the banking business from transparency with social and environmental codes, without forgetting the economic profitability to resist and remain in a demanding financial system. The purpose of this paper, on the one hand, is to study the origin and characteristics of ethical banking, which, although not unconnected with economic downturns, makes it an alternative to dependence on the traditional banking sector; and, on the other hand, to examine the conditions and initiatives that Triodos Bank performs to position itself as a leading bank with ethical values and, in turn, to compare its results with those obtained by the main financial entities of conventional banking.


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How to Cite
Abad Segura E. y Valls Martínez M. d. C. (2018). Analysis of viability of the ethics bank in Spain through Triodos Bank. Comparison economic-financial with traditional bank. REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 128, 7-35.