Radiology Study of Two Fractures in an Andean Mummy

  • María del Mar Robledo Acinas Doctora en Medicina Legal y Forense. Especialista en Antropología Forense. Profesora del Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria de la Facultad de Medicina (UCM). Coordinadora Técnico-Científica del Museo de Antropología Forense de la Facultad de Medicina (UCM)
  • Angel Minaya Bernedo Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía. Especialista en Antropología Forense
  • José Antonio Sánchez Sánchez Doctor en Medicina. Profesor Titular del Departamento de Toxicología y Legislación Sanitaria de la Facultad de Medicina (UCM). Director de la Escuela de Medicina Legal de Madrid (UCM). Director del Museo de Antropología Forense de la Facultad de Medicina (UCM)
Keywords: Mummy, fracture, antemortem, postmortem, perimortem, femur, humerus, radiological study


In this study we present a human mummified body, of sex woman, belonging to the collection of the Museum of Medical and Forensic Anthropology, Paleopathology and Criminalistics, of the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid (Reverte, 1999). This mummy presents a fracture of the left humerus at the middle third of the diaphysis, and another fracture in the left femur at the middle third of the diaphysis. We made macrocospic and radiological study, and, in view of the obtained results, we can conclude that these mentioned fractures are produced perimortem, and that both fractures have been produced at the same time and for different mechanisms.


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How to Cite
Robledo Acinas M. d. M., Minaya Bernedo A. y Sánchez Sánchez J. A. (2015). Radiology Study of Two Fractures in an Andean Mummy. Revista de la Escuela de Medicina Legal, 12, 40-44.