La cooperación española en el Mediterráneo y la cooperación descentralizada: modelos de encuentro y coordinación

  • Ricardo Martínez Vázquez Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional


The new strategic dimension of the Mediterranean sets up a challenge for the Spanish co-operation in the political, economical, social, cultural and environmental fields, within the new euromediterranean scope of the Barcelona process. It requires a focus that improves the allocation of resources, gaining in quality, not necessarily increasing significantly the quantity, and for this purpose decentralised cooperation (regional and local administrations) has to be aknowledged and integrated, in good coordination with the rest of development policy, for the sake of efficiency. In this field, the Spanish model is unique and its development could be very useful. This far, there are already legal references and practical examples, like the Azahar programme and some others.



How to Cite
Martínez Vázquez R. (2023). La cooperación española en el Mediterráneo y la cooperación descentralizada: modelos de encuentro y coordinación. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 14, 75-93.