El programa municipia: una nueva forma de hacer cooperación municipal

  • Enrique del Olmo García Gabinete de la Secretaría de Estado de Cooperación Internacional


This article presents the municipal cooperation program called MUNICIPIA, arisen on a common reflection by the Confederation of Solidarity Funds (CONFOCOS), the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and the Spanish Federation of City and Province Councils (FEMP). There are some considerations in the program design, including the strengthening of local governments in aid recipient countries within the fight against the poverty and the promotion of democracy, or the major implication of the Spanish city councils in the development cooperation. MUNICIPIA does not mean that additional resources are incorporated to existing ones but instead means that it was created as an effective tool to improve the quality of the Spanish local governments’ cooperation.



How to Cite
del Olmo García E. . (2023). El programa municipia: una nueva forma de hacer cooperación municipal. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 21, 97-110. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/REDC/article/view/86750