Pobreza y desarrollo rural en Centroamérica. Dos caras de la misma moneda

  • Miguel Gómez Consejo Agropecuario Centroamericano


This article “Poverty and Rural Development in Central America, two sides of the same coin” describes two fundamental aspects of the Central America rural livelihood. On one side, the article present the success of hundreds of projects implemented by public institutions, international donors and rural organization (entrepreneurial, community driven, associations), and on the other side key indicators that show persistent poverty and exclusion which affect performance of society, State and democracy itself. In other words, the development of Central America and the wellbeing of the rural population depends the solution of the structural causes of poverty and exclusion. Finally, the article presents some roads to face these challenges.

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How to Cite
Gómez M. (2023). Pobreza y desarrollo rural en Centroamérica. Dos caras de la misma moneda. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 30, 183-195. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/REDC/article/view/86397