Reinventing gender relations through participatory activities

  • Leticia Bendelac Gordon Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Gender, Social construction, Gender equality, Participatory dynamics, International cooperation


The starting point is that gender must be seen as a social construction, who articulates the relationships between women and men, and therefore categories and gender roles can be modified as well as produce a social change. In this field, participatory dynamics could facilitate the perception that such modification is not only possible but desirable to achieve women’s empowerment and gender equality. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate and justify the benefits of participatory dynamics in the transformation of gender relations, by using examples of empathy development and behavior modification that could be translated in gender equality within the international cooperation.

Author Biography

Leticia Bendelac Gordon, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Investigadora del IUDC-UCM en la línea de Género y Desarrollo. Magíster en Cooperación Internacional y doctoranda en Cambio Social en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UCM.

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How to Cite
Bendelac Gordon L. . (2023). Reinventing gender relations through participatory activities. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 35, 115-125.