Youth and sexuality in border contexts: a study in middle-level educational institutions in the city of La Quiaca

Keywords: youth/s, borders, sexualities, diversities


The experience is part of the research project "The obstacles and possibilities of Comprehensive Sexual Education in secondary school youth in the Province of Jujuy", carried out by members of a research unit of the National University of Jujuy in the border city of La Quiaca (Argentina-Bolivia).

This paper, which presents preliminary results of the aforementioned study, reflects on the knowledge and information that young people of secondary school age on the Argentine-Bolivian border have, regarding their sexuality and the relationship of this, with their behaviours of care of the reproductive and non-reproductive sexual health. It aims to unravel relevant aspects for the review and creation of educational and health policies, which respond to the particularities that youth and sexuality present in the area.

The fieldwork consisted of the implementation of a qualitative-based methodology with an ethnographic perspective, which explored the contexts, activities, and beliefs of the participants. Among other data collection instruments, a questionnaire was applied that delved into the axes: Youth and sexualities- STD and BCM-CSE and educational approach.

Author Biographies

Omar Víctor Jerez, CONICET

Doctor en Antropología (Universidad de Sevilla, España) - Lic. en Antropología (UNJu, Argentina) - Prof. Titular de Antropología Social y Cultural de la carrera Lic. y Prof. en Ciencias de la Educación y Lic. en Educación para la Salud. FHyCS/UNJu - Investigador Categoría 1 UNJu - Investigador Adjunto CONICET

Vilma Roxana Guzmán, CONICET

Esp. en docencia Superior (UNJu, Argentina) - Esp. en docencia superior en Ciencias de la salud, con orientación en medicina-enfermería (UNT, Argentina) - Esp. en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Currículum y prácticas escolares en contexto (FLACSO, Argentina) - Lic. y Prof. en Educación para la Salud (UNJu, Argentina) Prof. en Ciencias de la Educación (UNJu, Argentina) - Profesora adjunta cátedra Teoría y Práctica de la enseñanza – JTP cátedra Psicología Evolutiva – JTP cátedra Problemática Sanitaria II- Becaria doctoral CONICET

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How to Cite
Víctor Jerez O. y Roxana Guzmán V. (2022). Youth and sexuality in border contexts: a study in middle-level educational institutions in the city of La Quiaca. Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, 49(1), 95-104.