Bereavement: assessment, diagnosis and treatment

  • Ascensión Bellver
  • Beatriz Gil-juliá
  • Rafael Ballester
Keywords: Bereavement, Pathological bereavement, Assessment, Diagnosis, Prevention, Treatment


Throughout their life, all human beings suffer in greater or lesser extent the grief due to a loss. It is an inevitable experience which causes suffering, but it also can be an opportunity for growth. Objectives: with this study our goal is to conduct a bibliographical review both of the articles published over the last few years of studies related with bereavement, as well as of the most relevant details contained in recent literature. Materials and methods: the bibliographical references on which we have based our research have been gathered from Medline and PsycINFO computerized databases. The majority of the articles are of Anglo-Saxon origin and noteworthy Spanish journals related with the topic have also been consulted. Results: according to the content of the results, we have tried to organize the study in the following areas: evaluation of grief; diagnosis of complicated bereavement; predictors of pathological bereavement, prevention and treatment. Conclusions: the majority of the studies found on bereavement are descriptive; however, there are few studies with an adequate experimental design. Nevertheless, we believe that it is necessary to further investigate the fundamental aspects of this complex reality.


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How to Cite
Bellver A., Gil-juliá B. y Ballester R. (2008). Bereavement: assessment, diagnosis and treatment. Psicooncología, 5(1), 103-116.