Argentinean Social Movements and the Theology of the People

  • Pablo Forni IDICSO - CONICET
Keywords: social movements, UTEP, Argentina, theology of the people, popular mysticism


The social movements of the poor and unemployed in Argentina, grouped in the Union of Workers of the People’s Economy (UTEP), have undergone great transformations in recent years. Among these is the unprecedented appearance of images of popular Catholic religiosity and religious discourses, including a strong adherence to the Papacy of Francis within the UTEP. In order to explain this irruption of religiosity, a diachronic research is carried out that analyzes the origins and developments of theology and the links between interpersonal networks and popular pastoral groups with social movements and organizations. The diffusion of popular pastoral to social movements involves three dimensions: doctrinaire, rituals and images and popular mysticism. The theoretical framework comes from the study of social movements integrating a category of theological origin. The methodology includes interviews, different observations, documents and publications of both social movements and popular pastoral.


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How to Cite
Forni P. (2023). Argentinean Social Movements and the Theology of the People. Política y Sociedad, 60(2), e79895.