For Women with Women? Participatory gender equality policies in the Local Council of Barcelona

  • Alba Alonso Álvarez Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: gender equality policies, participation, feminist and women’s movement, local government


Gender equality policies have traditionally adopted a technocratic approach, giving limited room for the practices and discourses of the feminist and women’s movement. This has been detrimental for the quality and transformative capacity of these same policies. This article addresses the case of the Local Council of Barcelona in order to explore a pioneer experience to reverse this tendency. In particular, it introduces the main conclusions of a detailed diagnosis that analyses the approach for institutional participation, based on the existence of women’s councils at the local and the district level. Thanks to a documentary analysis, interviews with key actors, as well as a questionnaire and a focus group directed to the organisations taking part in these structures, the study unveils the limits and challenges for developing gender equality policies with a participatory perspective; it also shows the transformative measures that could give impulse to such approach. All in all, this article presents new empirical material regarding the complex intersections between the institution and the movement, while shedding light on new practices with potential to be transferred elsewhere in Spain.


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Author Biography

Alba Alonso Álvarez, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Alba Alonso es investigadora y doctora en Ciencias Políticas por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Ha formado parte del proyecto europeo QUING (Quality in Gender + Equality Policies) y de diversos estudios impulsados por el Instituto Europeo para la Igualdad de Género de la UE. Actualmente es miembro del grupo coordinador del proyecto ‘Gender Equality Policy in Pratice’. Sus principales líneas de investigación abordan la implementación de las políticas de igualdad de género, el impacto del federalismo y los debates territoriales, y la promoción de la igualdad en el ámbito científico. Es co-editora de Ciencia política con perspectiva de género (Akal, 2014) y autora de El mainstreaming de género en España (Tirant lo Blanch, 2015). Ha publicado en revistas como Social Politics, European Journal of Women’s Studies y European Political Science.

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How to Cite
Alonso Álvarez A. (2019). For Women with Women? Participatory gender equality policies in the Local Council of Barcelona. Política y Sociedad, 56(2), 473-493.