Policy Paradigms and Counterterrorism: Examining the Spanish Counter Radicalisation Strategy (PEN-LCRV 2015)
- Laura Fernández de Mosteyrín Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA.
- Pedro Limón López Becario de investigación postdoctoral. Departamento de Ciencia Política III. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
The process of radicalization regards in mainstream research, as the explanatory core or terrorism. It is also at the heart of counterterrorism strategies in western societies. Because of its ambiguity and elasticity, it is a controversial object of inquiry and there is growing evidence of its negative socio-political impacts in a number of countries. This paper critically examines Spanish counterterrorism approach. It analizes Spanish Counter Radicalisation Strategy ´s conceptual basis; it argues that it is based on flawed hegemonic formulations of contemporary counterterrorism, and points at potential negative impacts.Downloads
Author Biographies
Profesora Ayudante Doctora de Sociología de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad a Distancia de Madrid.
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