Repercusiones de las reformas legislativas sobre los mercados de trabajo de Polonia y Hungría

  • Fernando Alonso Guinea
Keywords: Labour markets, Legislation, Labour code, Trade Unions, Colective bargaining,


Enlargement of the European Union to embrace the countries of Central and Eastern Europe had been changed the composition and characteristics of its own labour markets radically. This paper considers how the labour markets of some accession countries are performing and how far they must to change to converge, in performance terms, with those of the existing Member States. It is clear that the painful transition underway in the Central and Eastern European candidate countries has some way to run before completion. But after the slowdown of the late 1990s, there are welcome signs of labour markets recovery, although this has yet to filter the Labour Code changes through to impact on employment rates.


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How to Cite
Alonso Guinea F. . (2003). Repercusiones de las reformas legislativas sobre los mercados de trabajo de Polonia y Hungría. Papeles del Este, 5, 4-28.