Una década de transformaciones en Europa central y oriental desde una perspectiva diferente

  • Robert Schediwy
Keywords: Enlargement, International situation, The civil war


A review on the last decade in eastern European countries, where different aspects such as, the conditions promoting the change, the position of the different actors and their behaviour, the international situation by the time, the interrelation among the processes taking place in the different countries, are considered. Then the author analyses the consequences, on different aspects, economic, social, political, etc. As a conclusion, change is possible the worst is war, he states: ”If conflictual situations and civil war can be avoided by an early and strong reformist tendency gaining spontaneous support inside the country, a younger reformist elite of a country in transition can „ride the tiger of change“ quite well”.


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How to Cite
Schediwy R. . (2003). Una década de transformaciones en Europa central y oriental desde una perspectiva diferente. Papeles del Este, 5, 2-7. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/PAPE/article/view/PAPE0303130002A