Los costes sociales de la transformación en Europa Central y Oriental.

  • Béla Galgóczi
Keywords: Transition Economies, Central-Eastern Europe, PECO’S, Labour Reforms, Wage costs, Social Policies, Welfare State, Economic Development,


The key procedure was a dramatic position change of these economies within the world economy - from the previous position of a "developed periphery" of an underdeveloped centre (SU) in to the position of an "underdeveloped periphery of a developed centre (EU). This position change was based on the sudden collapse of former economic links (CMEA) and the dramatic exposure of the markets of these countries to open competition on the world market. The responsibility of the West in the above mentioned process is extremely high. This paper aims to take a closer look at the social costs of the transformation in CEE countries. We have to recognise at the beginning that social costs in Eastern European countries may differ greatly. It is an important factor that slow or mistaken transformation does not diminish social costs; on the other hand, these costs will only increase with the time lost.


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How to Cite
Galgóczi B. (2002). Los costes sociales de la transformación en Europa Central y Oriental. Papeles del Este, 4, 2-14. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/PAPE/article/view/PAPE0202330002A