Hungría: la Ampliación de la Unión Europea y los Sindicatos

  • Szilvia Borbély


The Hungarian trade unions support the integration into the EU. They agree on issues like: the need of Hungary to join the EU; the need to protect those employees who would be losers of the integration process; the need to take seriously not only the freedom of movement of merchandises, services and capital but also the freedom of movement of labour which must be treated not only from the point of view of EU-members' fear on migration but as "brain drain" phenomenon; the need to lessen the gap between the Hungarian and EU average wage level which (naturally) must go together with the rise of productivity and modernisation of production. Although a lot of bodies have been emerged in Hungary to deal with EU integration their participation in the official enlargement process proved to be formal, only in the latest stage seems the situation to change


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How to Cite
Borbély S. . (2001). Hungría: la Ampliación de la Unión Europea y los Sindicatos. Papeles del Este, 2, 8-11.